You can find an introduction to Training Meetings in Chapter 33 of Where the Action Is. These resources will help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific Training Meetings your team needs.
A Training Meeting is used to transfer knowledge from one person or group to another.
Questions Answered
- What do I know that you need to learn?
- How can we be sure you’ve learned that successfully?
- Client Training on a New Product
- New Employee Onboarding
- Safety Training
- Seminars
- To transfer knowledge and skills.
Work Outcomes
- Knowledge used to improve job performance.
- Certification or credentials.
- Records showing who within the organization has the desired knowledge.
Human Outcomes
- New knowledge, skills, and attitudes
- Improved confidence
- Improved ability to perform the job
Related Resources
Meeting School:
Online Education
Learn the meeting skills and systems that deliver results.

Recommended Reading & Resources
- "Essential Guide to Staff Training", Maggie Bayless (2014).
- "Every Cook Can Govern: A Study of Democracy in Ancient Greece Its Meaning for Today, Correspondence, Vol. 2, No. 12.", C.L. James (1956).
- "Four stages of competence", Wikipedia.
- "The Protégé Effect: Why teaching someone else is the best way to learn", Annie Murphy Paul (2012).
- Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels. Donald L. and James D Kirkpatrick (1996).
- Zingerman's Guide to Good Leading, Part 2: A Lapsed Anarchist's Approach to Being a Better Leader. Ari Weinzweig (2012).
Research Papers
- "Dimensions and psychology of peer teaching in medical education", Olle Ten Cate & Steven Durning (2009).
- "Reciprocal peer teaching: Students teaching students in the gross anatomy laboratory", Krych, A. J., March, C. N., Bryan, R. E., Peake, B. J., Pawlina, W. and Carmichael, S. W (2005).