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How to Work with Lucid Meetings

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What We Do

Lucid Meetings is your partner in elevating organizational collaboration and decision-making. With deep roots in meeting innovation, our expertise spans a range of strategies and frameworks designed to enhance team collaboration and leadership effectiveness.

Our offerings include:

  • Keynote Addresses & Conference Workshops: Inspiring live sessions focused on actionable strategies.
  • Team and Leadership Programs: Practical design intensives to sharpen your team’s collaboration, optimize meetings, and elevate decision-making.
  • Consulting: Expert advice tailored for meeting professionals, business leaders, and those developing solutions for collaborative work.
  • On-Demand Training: Accessible courses through our Meeting School, helping your leaders develop meeting mastery on a schedule that works for them.

See our Services and Learning Snack catalogs for more details.

Our Process for Working with New Groups

Step 1: Introductory Call

In this short call, we’ll determine whether we’re a good fit for your needs. If we are, we’ll set up our next steps on this call. If not, we’ll try to point you towards someone who might be a better fit. Schedule an Introductory Call now.

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Step 2: Capabilities Matching and Proposal Creation

In our next meeting, we’ll explore your needs and our capabilities in more detail. Then, we’ll draft a proposal together, so that we can eliminate surprises in the proposal process and avoid wasting time lost by sending material back and forth over email. Depending on how many people we involve, this step may require two or three conversations.

Step 3: Contract Creation and Procurement

Once we have an agreed-upon proposal, we’ll establish our formal business relationship by ensuring we’re set up with your procurement system, our MSA and SOWs are on file, and our initial invoice has been accepted for payment by your accounts receivable group.

For small companies, this process can take less than one day. Larger companies and government organizations typically take 4 to 10 weeks to onboard a new supplier.

Step 4: Planning

Once we have a working business agreement in place, it’s time to get going! We’ll meet to confirm the success criteria, schedule, logistics, and any other details for our work together. From here out, we put all our attention on delivering the solutions your teams need.

Not ready to meet? Email the Lucid Team

We typically reply within one business day.