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Board meetings, team meetings, committee meetings - most nonprofits have lots of meetings. Online meetings can make scheduling easier, eliminate travel costs and save attendees time. So how can you move meetings online and have them be effective?

In this webinar, we discussed:

  • Selecting the right virtual meeting technology for the group and the topic
  • Preparing your committee before the meeting to ensure it runs smoothly
  • Managing meeting formalities, such as roll-call, note taking, motions, and records

Links to the examples used in this presentation

We discussed these tools and resources during the webinar. This is by no means an exhaustive list - just some examples to help people interested in understanding what's out there. Other than our integration with Glance screen sharing, we aren't affiliated with any of companies represented below.

Audio and Chat Providers

Screen Sharing and Web Conferencing

Electronic Meeting Systems and Board Portals

Scheduling Tools

See also our blog post: Free Tools for Scheduling Your Next Meeting.

Video Conferencing

Note: some of the web conferencing vendors listed above also provide video conferencing.


Training & How-To