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What is a Johari Window?

The Johari window was developed by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham as a technique for people to better understand how a person perceives themselves and is perceived by others.

A Johari window organizes information into four quadrants based on these criteria:

  • What I know
  • What others know

The basic process for using a Johari window works like this.

  1. You and others make private lists of what you know or believe. The original Johari window technique asked people to select from a predefined list of adjectives those that they felt best described the person under discusssion.
  2. Compare these lists and place information in the appropriate quadrant.
    • Arcade/Open: Items on your list and other people's lists
    • Facade/Hidden: Items on your list but not on other people's lists
    • Blind Spot: Items other people's lists that aren't on yours
    The Unknown quadrant remains blank. This represents information you will need to discover.
  3. The goal is to have as much information in the Arcade/Open quadrant as possible, because the belief is that this will lead to stronger relationships and better outcomes. With your initial window created, discuss how you can expand the amount of information in the Open quadrant.
  4. johari-windowArena/OpenInformation known by you and by others.Blind SpotInformation others know that you don’t.Facade/HiddenInformation you know but others do not.UnknownRelevant information neither you nor others know yet.Known by OthersNot Known by OthersKnown by SelfKnown by Others
    Example quadrants for a Johari window

    The Johari window was originally designed as an aid to interpersonal relationships and communications. It has since been adapted for use in team chartering, design processes, and project scoping. See the links below for details.

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